Tuesday, January 13, 2009


So, I decided to get onto the teen bandwagon and read Twilight. My friend Kathy provided me with books 1-3 back in December. I finally finished up with a slew of books that I had picked up from the library...or actually came due on the Hold List at the library, so it was time to pick up the first book Twilight by Stephenie Meyer.

Well, less than 24 hours later (including sleeping time), I finished the first book, all 498 pages of it. Although I thought it was a bit slow to start, for some reason...could have been the "vampire glamor" effect...I just couldn't put it down. I started it last night during the normal "bedtime reading time" and before I knew it, it was 11:30 and I needed to go to sleep. Then I started reading it again this morning, ended up blowing everything off today just so I could read it.

If you haven't read it, I recommend it. I kept the Oxford dictionary close by as Stephenie used some unique words in the book...and although I could decipher the meanings accordingly in the context, I'm trying to teach the kids not be afraid to look up the words that are unknown...and I really wanted to make sure I had the true meaning of the words that she was using.

Now, I have to see if it's too late to see the movie...or if I have to wait until DVD. Now, it's time to move onto "New Moon".


Mindy said...

I've read the first two, and I agree with your comments, there's just something about these books, makes you want to keep reading.

I liked the movie but I think it depends on how vivid you imagined the characters when you read the book.

LYNN said...

Since we saw "Bella" while we were in LA, at least I had her visualized, but as I just looked up the movies, he was not what I visualized....on to book number 3 now.