Friday, January 16, 2009

No School Day

It's January 16 and we are already having our 2nd "No School" day. The first we missed as we were already in California for the holidays before the 12-14" of snow blew into Rochester. This one, well you would look outside and see the absolutely blue sky with sunshine and wonder, what were these people thinking. Well, since it's 10:00 am now and it's still -6, with windchill of -22, I could only wonder what it really was at 6:00 am when we got "the call". The sad thing is, it's only the 2nd day for middle & high school, the elementary schools already had this as a "day off" for in-service or whatever they call it these days. Today was the last day of finals for 1st quarter...guess it will be fun Tuesday when they go back to school!

So, now we're bundled up in my bed watching movies, while I read Eclipse....bummer that pretty soon we are going to have to brave it and go to the market...the cupboards & frig are quite empty.

The dog doesn't even want to go outside to chase squirrels :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry about your weather-luck. It's 79º where I am. Maybe you should be here.

♥ BoBellen