Monday, June 9, 2008

Andrew turns 9

In the bowling alley where Andrew wanted to have his 9th birthday party, I sat chatting with one of the moms that stayed to watch. We determined we probably passed each other in the halls of Crittenton 9 years ago as Andrew was born on the 7th and hers was on the 9th. I told her I was the mom that was pushing the baby cart back to the nursery saying, "you keep him, I'm going to take a nap." She laughed as I told her I'd press the button for all diaper changes, and how the nurse asked me "didn't I want to give it a try", as I told her "why, I have the next 2-3 years of changing Baby Smith's diaper as we still hadn't decided on a name....and we knew it was a boy since I was 20 weeks pregnant. I was looking at this as my 4-day mini-holiday at the Hospital-Marriot, room service was high on my list! My best memories were when the food lady brought my food that I ordered and then came & cleaned it all up, all the bottle water as Rochester had some sort of water main break so we couldn't have tap, hot & cold self-administering morphine drip after the surgery....aaahhh the total spa treatment!

So now my baby is 9 years old...going on 13 (has to keep ahead of his sister)...and wondering how long my sweet little boy will stay sweet or will I be getting calls from the principal soon. Right now, I'll go with the first and keep thinking it will always be this way.


Anonymous said...

Sure, it'll always be the way you wanted it - sweet kids every day of the year.

Oh brother! Are YOU living in a dream world!

They might stay sweet when they want something. Like MONEY! But they can sure take the wind out of your sails from time to time.

♥ BoBellen

Mindy said...

I think Andrew will stay sweet for just as long as his Mommy loves a spa treatment (forever)