Friday, January 11, 2008

School Field Trips

So, I'm on my 3rd field trip with Andrew this school year, where when I worked I promised I would go on one and they pick the one. I think we have 1-2 more left for this year...better check out the teacher's web page to find out where I will be going next.

Things I have discovered...
  • almost the same parents always go...drivers needed (I miss my Pacifica)
  • I learn more than the kids do...especially that I didn't know Rochester had all these things
  • I've become class field trip photographer...hope they like extra pictures of Andrew
  • Andrew has two little girls that like him & as a good parent, those are the ones I drive so I can keep my eye on things
  • there is no way I could be an elementary school teacher
  • I know more of the kids names than I do the other parents that always attend
  • I'm always in need of a nap afterwards
  • Our class has been "weather" lucky...always unusually warm & dry...where the class that goes the next day...always a big rain storm (knock on wood to keep that going)
  • I almost had a weak moment & volunteered for some school activity for PTA...good thing the field trip ended...not ready for official school jobs...better stay away from school for a while :)
Oh the things I missed when I worked...

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